Spotify gift card deals
Spotify gift card deals

spotify gift card deals

This is a single-use card: the full face-value for an individual account is deducted at redemption and no incremental redemption or credit is permitted.5.

spotify gift card deals

In order to redeem the PIN, you must have or register for a Spotify account and you must be 13+ and reside in the US to register.4. This card is redeemable for full price standalone Premium subscription months purchased directly from only and cannot be redeemed for discounted or group subscriptions (more on eligibility at This card cannot be redeemed for cash or credit and cannot be returned or resold (except where required by law).3. : ( i am very upset because it is very misleading and using bait and swtich is one of the oldest and illegal tricks in the book to take advantage of customers.By using this card/PIN, you accept the following conditions:1. i have sent an email to spotify for assitance in this scheme, but NOW while I wait, i cannot use Spotify AT ALL because their legal terms state that i cannot cancel this premium subscription or get my $$ back IF i use the services at all! Well thats one way to get people to STOP using your service 100% i guess. AND the next thing i know, it charged $9.99 for ONE month NOT 99Cents for 3 months! THIS IS Illegal and its i called BAIT and SWITCH. My banking institusion does NOT allow use of my debit card for charges in certain states, which Spotify's MUST be in one of these states, as it did NOT allow the charge to my card!! My next option woudl have been PayPal, BUT i figured, why Not try the Spotify Gift Card opttion, I mean Spotify IS giving it to me as a way to pay.AND that would be the MOST secure way possible!! So, off i went to 7-Eleven to get my $10 Gift Card. There were many options shown on this payment page. I attempted to use a $10 Gift Card to take advantage of the Holiday Premium Service - 3 Months for 99 cent Deal ONLY because it was listed AS AN OPTION on the payment page.

Spotify gift card deals