Timing out after 15 sec colony survival game
Timing out after 15 sec colony survival game

Drive through these hoards with ease as you try to escape before the military blows the entire city to smithereens. This was done to show off the potential power of the next gen consoles. The gameplay is intense, yet very fun, as huge hordes of zombies can take over your screen at any one time. You're welcomed to Los Perdidos, 10 years after the events of Fortune city, and you're let loose in one of the best open world zombie maps of recent years, full of stunning views permitted by the next gen graphics. When Dead Rising 3 was created, it showed us how zombie games could evolve on the next generation systems, and it did a fairly good job bringing in the new age of zombie slaying. Not to be missed if you enjoy the original zombie survivor games.īears got your back in Dead Rising 2 14: Unturned (2014) The game is full of endless fun, as you craft together items such as boxing gloves and knives to turn yourself into a modern day Freddie Krueger. Chuck Greene, a former motocross champion, was in the city when an outbreak occurred and he must battle through a multitude of zombies and weird bosses, all while trying to secure medicine for his infected daughter. It's set in a Las Vegas resort known as Fortune City. Sure there have been better games since its release, but it will forever stand as one of the greatest of its time.

timing out after 15 sec colony survival game

This game is certainly nostalgic, and the franchise set the bar high for the semi open world of zombie slaying to become the next great genre of games. At number 15 is the memorable Dead Rising 2, a sequel which brought us back into the early days of crafting everyday items into weapons fit to slaughter mountains of zombies at once.

Timing out after 15 sec colony survival game